Blog: Cycling & Cycle Rides


Now the summer’s here and at least the rain is getting warmer, Activate led cycle rides have started again. The first few are planned from Edgbaston Reservoir cycle hub. This means there’s a great selection of bikes to borrow if you wish, and the space to give them a try. If you’re new to cycling or are returning after a long break, you can push off with a sedate a circuit of the Rezza. You can then make any adjustments to the bike and assess how far & fast you want to cycle that afternoon.

Ride leaders do come with a plan, but are very flexible and happy to respond to the wishes of the group on the day. No problem splitting into two or more groups with different desires.

Heather is one of the people who came along to our ride on 21st May. She writes:-

“Had a wonderful ride on Saturday, starting from Edgbaston Reservoir and out along the Harborne Walkway towards B’ham University station and back. It was a very relaxed 6 mile ride and mainly flat; but rides are available to suit all abilities from the complete beginner upwards with the benefit of having bikes available for free which meant I didn’t have to put mine in the car!

I came with a friend who is not used to cycling but she said it was well within her capabilities and she had a great day. It’s a good social as well meeting different people from all walks of life. The ride leader was extremely patient and friendly even carrying my bike down some steps onto the canal as I was a bit nervous. Would recommend to anyone to join these rides.”

Wondering who becomes an Activate ride leader and why? Ride leader Joe Green writes:-

“I’ve always enjoyed cycling, nipping about on my BMX as a child and then getting into mountain-biking as a teenager. However, it was only when I started working for Sustrans that I came to realise what a great form of transport cycling is. It’s great for your health – I can build regular physical activity into my daily routine, and cancel that gym membership I hardly ever used! It saves you money – not just on the costs of running a car, but also on bus and rail fares. It’s a convenient and reliable way of getting places, which also helps to reduce congestion and is good for the planet. And most of all, it’s fun!

In my role with Sustrans I help promote cycling in schools, workplaces and communities across the West Midlands and encourage people to cycle for more of the journeys they make every day. Leading gentle leisure rides is a great way of getting people back into the saddle and build up the confidence they need for getting out and about by bike. I’ve been a ride leader for the last few years and also train others, including volunteers, to lead rides on behalf of our organisation. This has been a great way to share my love of cycling with others and enable them to enjoy their local area and beyond on two wheels.”

The next two rides are on Saturdays 25th June and 23rd July.

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