Wellbeing Support

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Useful Information

Our wellbeing support service can help you to improve your wellbeing and reduce isolation. We encourage a greater understanding around wellbeing, coping strategies and resilience to support people to manage life’s struggles.

Useful Links

Disclaimer: Birmingham LGBT does not provide NHS Gender Dysphoria Clinic services. If you/ your service user is looking to access medical transition (e.g. hormones, surgical intervention); they will need a referral to an NHS Gender dysphoria clinic: https://www.nhs.uk/nhs-services/how-to-find-an-nhs-gender-identity-clinic/ .


We know that lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people have a higher risk of experiencing suicidal feelings, self-harm, drug and alcohol use, depression, anxiety and low self-esteem.

Our wellbeing support service can help you to improve your wellbeing and reduce isolation. We encourage a greater understanding around wellbeing, coping strategies and resilience to support people to manage life’s struggles.

By accessing the service you will be given a safe space and time to talk through any struggles you may have, have the opportunity to discuss your individual needs on a one-to-one basis and work with the support worker in setting goals to improving your wellbeing.

We can provide information on community groups, health and wellbeing activities and support services.

You can access support either face-to-face, by telephone or online and you will have dedicated time to discuss your interests, needs or concerns.

If you feel that our wellbeing support could benefit you, you can contact us by telephone, email or by coming into Birmingham LGBT.

Contact us, for more details or to book a wellbeing assessment, on 0121 643 0821 or email wellbeing@blgbt.org.



Is wellbeing support counselling?

The wellbeing support service is a safe, confidential and non-judgemental service where you have someone to talk to, however, it is not counselling. If you feel counselling would benefit you, the wellbeing support worker can provide you with counselling services details or refer you into the relevant support services.

How long will the one to one session last?

One to one sessions will be between 40-50 minutes.

What is important to improving wellbeing?

The New Economics Foundation states there are five things we can do to improve our wellbeing:


By spending time with people can support your emotional wellbeing by providing a network of support. Birmingham LGBT has a number of support groups and activities which can enable you to connect with others.

Be active:

Exercising releases feel good chemicals into the body and the best thing is that they are free! There’s lots going on in Birmingham and we can tell you all about these activities or have a look on our website.

Take notice: 

This is all about seeing or feeling all the beautiful things around you which we may not always see and/or feel.

Keep learning:

Learn something new or find out about that thing you wanted to know about. Learning gives us a sense of achievement and interests to talk about.


Giving is about doing something nice for someone; this can be in the form of a smile, thank you or a gift. By making others feel good we can feel good in ourselves.

Useful Information

If you have any enquiries, questions, or if we can help in any way, we’d love to hear from you 

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