South Asian and Middle Eastern men who have sex with men

How can this service benefit me?

How can this service benefit me?

One of the main benefits of this service is being able to talk to someone from a South Asian background who can listen to your concerns which may be related to cultural conflicts.

We understand that for some people talking to another South Asian person may not be helpful or appropriate, which is why we have a diverse Health Promotion Team that is inclusive of LGBT+ people and workers that identify as LGBT allies.

We can offer regular well being ‘one to one’s’ to listen to your concerns around sexuality, faith, culture, and the impact this has on you, or any other general topics you need to discuss.

We can listen to your concerns and where appropriate we can refer or signpost you to our specialist main services which may help such as Peer Mentoring, Domestic Abuse and Counselling.

Useful Information

If you have any enquiries, questions, or if we can help in any way, we’d love to hear from you 

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