Stressbuster Toolkit Workshop




WHEN: SEPTEMBER 3rd 10:30-4:30pm

WHERE: Birmingham LGBT Centre


Join Birmingham LGBT at the Centre at 10:30am for a day’s workshop to help you build a toolkit to beat your stress and improve your wellbeing.

Stress is one of the biggest influencers on our wellbeing, and let’s face it everyone gets stressed, it’s easy to let things get on top of us and pretend that everything is fine. The world we live in is fast paced and ever changing – sometimes it can feel like everything is too much, or that we’re alone in dealing with our personal stresses. The irony of this is that, if you do feel like that, you’re not alone; in fact one if four people will experience some kind of mental health problem in the course of a year, that’s an odds of 3:1. Actually having some stress is good for you, having challenges and difficulties are what make us stronger, smarter, and better at coping with problems in the future but having too much stress can cause a lot of damage.

 The aim of this day will be to build up a toolkit of easy to use tips, skills, and techniques to improve your physical, and mental wellbeing. This day is open to anyone who is looking to boost their resilience, and learn more about their stress, and effective ways to manage it.

Over the afternoon our team will work with you to build a series of simple strategies that can easily be incorporated into your day-to-day life to improve your overall wellbeing. The day will take the following structure*:

10:30 – Arrival – Teas and Coffees.
11:00 – Welcome, Aims of the day, Introduction to Stress – Understanding your stress, knowing what’s healthy stress and what isn’t.
11:30 – Simple ways to incorporate physical activity into your everyday life to help boost fitness and physical wellbeing as well as ways to overcome your barriers to exercise.
12:30 – LUNCH
13:00 – Simple and creative tasks you can do at home to help you channel and manage your stress
13:50 – Break
14:00 – Understanding mindfulness, relaxation,  and simple ways to de-stress your day to day life.
14:50 – Break
15:00 – Recap & Building the Toolkit.


*please note that schedules are only guidelines and actual programme for the day is subject to change.


please contact for more information and booking.


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