Shout. Invitation to tender: branding refresh 2024


Birmingham LGBT are seeking a creative design company to conceptualise and design branding for its arts and culture strand Shout. Although Shout is part of Birmingham LGBT, it should be able to visually separate in terms of brand. Shout is an all year-round creative programme which makes space for and celebrates the full spectrum of LGBTQ+ lives.

Budget: We have a maximum budget for £2,500 inclusive of VAT and we encourage agencies to consider what the right budget is for a charity of our size. 

Tender Application Process: Expressions of interest should be no longer than 300 words or 3-minute video in addition to examples of previous work. 

Please set out in your expression of interest: 

  • Your/organisation name, address, and contact details 
  • We would love to understand how you would approach the design brief 
  • Examples of previous work  
  • Quote: inclusive of all expenses, VAT, design work 


Action Persons responsible Deadline 
Submit Expressions of Interest, examples of previous work, draft quote to Potential Suppliers Midnight Sunday 22 September 2024 
Interviews will be held online or in person Birmingham LGBT Shout Festival w/c 30 September 2024. 
Kick-off Meeting Shout Festival and chosen supplier w/c 7 October 2024 
Further milestones and delivery dates to be agreed with selected supplier   
Brand re-fresh launched Shout Festival November 2024 

Download the full information:

For further information please contact

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