Sexual orientation and Gender diversity in the workplace training

Sexual orientation and Gender diversity in the workplace training

Target audience: Managers, senior managers Supervisors and HR Personnel

Learning outcomes

By the end of the session participants will have

  1. Explored the concepts prejudice, discrimination, homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and hetrosexism
  2. Have an overview of the legislative framework including the Equality act 2010.
  3. An increased understanding of the issues of silence and invisibility faced by LGB and T people.
  4. An increased awareness of discrimination that LGB and T people experience in the workplace and have explored appropriate responses.
  5. An understanding of why it is important to monitor for sexual orientation.
  6. An increased understanding of how to create an LGBT inclusive organisational culture.

What people said about this training

“Both trainers shared a great knowledge of the subject area, were rather inspirational speakers and facilitated well when broke into groups or had discussion in pairs as part of general training”

“Both trainers were very engaging and conveyed the information in an interesting way.”

“I have more confidence in challenging service delivery”

“Thought provoking,”

“Would and will recommend it to my colleagues to attend”

“Improved understanding of why monitoring is important”

“More knowledge of sexual orientation and monitoring”

“A very good training session which was informative and everyone could share views and ideas,”

Contact us for more details

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