LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Awareness training

LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Awareness training

Target audience IDVAs, Domestic violence practitioners, police, probation officers social workers, people who work with LGBT victims of Domestic violence

Learning outcomes 

By the end of the training participants will

  • Have an understanding of the concepts of hetrosxism and homophobia and how these impact on both the victim and the perpetrator
  • Have an understanding of the prevalence of domestic abuse in same sex relationships
  • Explored the dynamics of an abusive relationship as it relates to same sex couples and identified LGBT specific tactics of power and control
  • An understanding of the issues faced by victims/survivors who are lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans
  • Identified risk factors specific to LGBT domestic violence
  • Been introduced to the same sex Power and Control wheel
  • Explored safety planning with victims/survivors who are lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans

What people said about this training

General comments

“This training should be compulsory for all safeguarding officers.”

“This training should be for all officers especially front line officers. “

“Very informative on crucial subjects that will be useful in everyday policing”

“Very knowledgeable, articulate presenter”

“Easy to understand, very knowledgeable “

“Informative and captivating. Kept it interesting”

“Very knowledgeable about the subject domestic abuse.”

“Brilliant and More!”

Good training and trainer had lots of experience of working with people (LGBT) as practical examples.

Useful Information

If you have any enquiries, questions, or if we can help in any way, we’d love to hear from you 

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