Seldom Heard Conversations – Physical Activity


Seldom Heard Conversations – Physical Activity

Focus Group Invitation  for the LGBTQI+ citizens of Birmingham

Saturday 29th February 2020  – 12.00pm – 4.30pm Birmingham LGBT Centre (38-40 Holloway Circus, Birmingham B1 1EQ)

If you are a Birmingham citizen who identifies as a member of the LGBTQI+ community, we have limited places for those interested participate in a structured half day focus group that can shape and influence public policy and service development across Birmingham around Physical Activity.

Our focus group will explore topics including:

  • Physical Activity Beliefs and Choices
  • Access to Active Transport
  • Everyday Short Trips
  • Knowledge of Health Levels and Benefits of Physical Activity
  • Active Travel and Climate Change

As a thank you for your contribution we will provide lunch and a voucher to each contributor

Booking is essential:

Birmingham is working hard to become a city where all citizens can thrive and achieve their potential, to create a healthy, affordable and sustainable food environment across the city.

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