Midyear Reboot – FREE Mindfulness Workshop with Dr. Gary Wood


The “Midyear Reboot” workshop is part of a series of workshops that Birmingham LGBT is putting on as part of our effort to improve the wellbeing outcomes of the members of our community.

It is a fun and interactive workshop with psychologist Dr. Gary Wood in which you will guided on how to create your own personal development action plan.

The workshop involves a series of short but effective techniques that offer a change of outlook as the basis for your goals.

You will sample them all and then pick three to try out for a month. These techniques are designed to fit in, rather than take over the day.

There will be plenty of opportunity to ask questions but most importantly, be prepared to have fun!

The workshop will be supported by an online course to be launched on the night.

Book your free ticket via https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/midyear-reboot-free-mindfulness-workshop-with-dr-gary-wood-tickets-45761913114

About the Workshop Facilitator:

He is the author of ‘Unlock Your Confidence‘ and ‘Don’t Wait For Your Ship to Come In . . .Swim Out to Meet It!’ Gary has also published in academic journals, has taught psychology in several UK universities is regularly quoted in the media and is on the Guardian Careers expert panel. He is a graduate of the dynamic meditation system, The Silva Method. Gary is based in Birmingham and Edinburgh, UK where he offers face-to-face personal and professional development coaching, academic coaching and writing coaching, and research design coaching, for individuals and organisations. His new book ‘The Psychology of Gender’ was published in March 2018. See www.drgarywood.co.uk

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