LGBT Community Sports Activator


Birmingham LGBT’s Sports England funded 3 year fitness and sports project has started with an open meeting called for 22nd October and the appointment of a full time staff member.

We are holding an open evening on 22nd October for anyone thinking about taking up exercise or trying a new sport. We will discuss what is already available, what is currently planned and explore ideas for new activities. We are seeking volunteer Sports Champions to promote and support the programme and participants.

The project includes a variety of fitness classes based at Birmingham lgbt’s city centre premises, monthly taster sessions with existing lgbt sports clubs across the city and Pride in Sport days.

Birmingham LGBT and its Pride in Sports partners will help more local LGBT people take up or return to sports & fitness activities, thanks to £142,788 of National Lottery funding from Sport England’s Community Sport Activation Fund.

Designed in response to local demand, the Community Sport Activation Fund allows local authorities, charities and other organisations to apply for funding for innovative projects that will get more people playing sport.

Mike Diaper, Sport England Director of Community Sport, said: “It’s great to be working with innovative projects, like LGBT Community Sports Activator to offer people the chance to get into sport in a way that best suits them.

The investment being made through the Community Sport Activation Fund is making a real difference at a very local level. I’m particularly pleased that more than half the funding is going into projects in deprived areas, helping more people develop a lifelong sporting habit.”

Penny Barber, newly appointed LGBT Community Sports Activator, said: “There’s going to be something for everyone. Whatever your current level of confidence, activity or skill, we will ensure there’s a safe space to decide and develop your fitness goals”.

To contact Penny please email or call 0121 6430821

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