Let’s Talk About Women’s Sexual Heath


LGBT Women’s Sexual Health and Wellbeing Information Evening.
WHEN: AUGUST 11th at 6:30pm.

WHERE: Birmingham LGBT Centre


Join Birmingham LGBT for a FREE evening presentation and talk on Women’s Sexual Health. We will be joined by Nikki Stewart, Senior Sister from Whittle St. Clinic, to answer your questions and provide friendly, informative, and non-judgemental advice. The evening will be lead by our Sexual Health Outreach Worker for Lesbian and Bisexual Women, Andrea Willinger, and will include a talk on sexual health which focuses on issues specific to Lesbian and Bi women, what to be aware of, what to know, how you can use sexual health services and importantly give you a chance to ask any questions you might have felt uncomfortable to ask previously.

Women are disproportionately not accessing sexual health services, and we want to change that making our facilities convenient, welcoming, and relevant for the whole community. Birmingham LGBT supported by Umbrella are committed to providing quality, accessible and appropriate sexual health services for lesbian and bisexual women. As part of this commitment we are creating a new initiative that will see Birmingham LGBT in partnership with Umbrella, opening a new well woman clinic focusing on sexual health services exclusively for lesbian and bisexual women in early 2017.  In addition to being an engaging and informative event this evening will actively allow you to contribute towards and help shape our women’s clinic. We need to hear what you want from this service, and how we can better support all women

‘As part of my role this year I am excited to be consulting with women from the community to find out their thoughts, experiences, ideas and aspirations for our forthcoming sexual health well-woman clinic’ Andréa Willinger, Sexual Health Outreach Worker for Lesbian & Bi Women

For further information please contact andreawillinger@blgbt.org

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