Tender opportunity: LGBT Hub Legacy Plan Design Consultant


Birmingham LGBT is looking for a design consultant to support the delivery of the LGBT Hub Legacy Plan.


Ageing Better in Birmingham, a seven-year, £6m National Lottery Community Fund programme, started in 2015. Its aim is to reduce social isolation amongst older people in Birmingham. BVSC is the accountable body for the programme and leads the Ageing Better in Birmingham Partnership. The overall aim of Ageing Better in Birmingham is to facilitate change in the way older people are considered by and within communities; it works at a neighbourhood level, using a grassroots, asset-based approach to create a new movement for community action on ageing and isolation.

The programme facilitates active citizenship within communities to reduce isolation now and prevent it happening in the future. While Ageing Better in Birmingham operates across Birmingham, effort and resources are targeted in four priority areas:

  • Two geographical areas where the risks were especially heavily clustered – outer-city Tyburn, and inner-city Sparkbrook; and
  • Two thematic groups where other factors significantly increase the risks of social isolation – these are older carers (1-in-8 residents are carers), and older lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people.

Each of the Hubs has been asked to draw up Legacy Plans for when the programme ends in March 2022. The LGBT Hub, run by Birmingham LGBT, plans to produce a suite of resources for the LGBT community and mainstream service providers and commissioners.

Part of the Legacy Plan requires the services of a consultant to undertake the graphic design of a toolkit and other resources to support the ongoing development and sustainability of Ageing Better Networks (groups) and activities, and secure a legacy of social change. These could take the shape of packs, handouts or booklets, and we would expect to see your thoughts on this as part of your application.


The work required includes designs for the following components:

One: Briefing for service providers and commissioners

Working with the Ageing Better programme to develop a specific briefing or information document/pack on working with the LGBT community, targeting mainstream service providers and commissioners, including:

  • Causes of isolation within the community
  • What works – Success stories
  • Guidance for commissioning services

Two: Toolkit for peer-led groups

Designing and producing a toolkit for peer-led LGBT groups and activities, including:

  • Agreeing aims and purpose of group
  • Planning and organising group meetings and events
  • Governance, codes of conduct and safeguarding
  • Publicity and promotion
  • Fundraising and resourcing
  • Networking and building connections

Three: Resources for older LGBT people

Creating a ‘library’ of factsheets and research to cover issues (as relating to the older LGBT community) including:

  • Accessing social and wellbeing services
  • Planning for later life
  • Living with specific health conditions – to include HIV, dementia, and hormone therapy
  • Housing
  • Money advice and benefits
  • Loneliness and isolation

The resources are intended, in the main, to be accessible online via the Birmingham LGBT website.

Accountability: The consultant will be accountable to the Ageing Better programme worker, specifically the Network Enabler of the LGBT Hub at Birmingham LGBT.

Skills required: Experience of working in a sensitive and culturally competent way, particularly around LGBTQ+ issues. Experience in producing materials for a range of audiences, including older people and those with additional sensory needs.

Timescales: The work will need to be completed by February 2022.

Contract value: Total amount available £2500 inclusive of VAT.

How to apply

Please respond on no more than three sides of A4 outlining how your skills, knowledge and experience equip you to meet the brief, by Friday 22 October.

Please send your completed response to mariahughes@blgbt.org

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