IDAHoBiT at Birmingham LGBT with Rikki Beadle-Blair


Friday 17th May, 6pm – 10pm

Birmingham LGBT Centre, 38-40 Holloway Circus, Birmingham B1 1EQ

FREE for LGBT + allies – MUST BOOK

International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia is a day we stand united against hate and discrimination that targets members of the LGBTQ+ community. It is a day that commemorates a win against bigotry, when the WHO (World Health Organisation) in 1990 stated that homosexuality was no longer considered a mental illness.

To pay homage to the day, we’ll be hosting a range of people that are part of our community to speak and perform with special guest Rikki Beadle-Blair. Rikki Beadle Blair is a director and writer, known for KickOff (2011), Stonewall (1995) and Fit (2010).

The event will be catered so please join us for dinner. And in consideration of Ramadan, the Centre will remain open late so that our Muslim community friends can break fast with us.

Birmingham LGBT will also be unveiling their new flag.

Please book online on Facebook: If you’re not able to book online, please call Rico on 0121 643 0821.



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