Ageing With Pride Focus Groups


Ageing Well Together and Rainbow Bridge invite all who are interested to attend an Ageing With Pride Focus Group meeting.

Ageing Well Together: Thursday 15th February, 6pm – 8pm

Rainbow Bridge: Tuesday 27th February, 11am – 1pm

Birmingham LGBT Centre, 38-40 Holloway Circus, Birmingham B1 1EQ


Ageing With Pride is part of a city wide project which aims to see Birmingham as the best place in which to live well in older age. Birmingham LGBT has secured funding to develop a city wide campaign which aims to:

  • Change behaviour and attitudes and help older LGBT people prepare for ageing.
  • Increase visibility of the older LGBT community by celebrating older LGBT people’s lives and present positive images of LGBT ageing.
  • Raise awareness and understanding of the issues and causes of social isolation amongst older LGBT people and the means of preventing it, and highlight positive human interest stories about coming out of isolation to encourage others to take the first step.
  • Address ageism in the LGBT community.
  • Promote positive messages about all members of the LGBT community and from all backgrounds and to challenge homophobia and stereotypes.


In developing this campaign we are looking for the views and experiences of people of a range of ages through market research focus groups. These are discussions lead by a moderator who will share ideas and ask you for your views and opinions.


The focus group will be audio recorded to capture all of the comments, which will then be transcribed and anonymised. Refreshments will be available.


If you are interested in attending one of these focus groups, or require more information, please contact Maria on 0121 643 0821 or

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