Acoustic Chill Out at Birmingham Pride


Relax as part of Birmingham Pride and join SHOUT Festival and Birmingham LGBT at the Birmingham LGBT Centre for a coffee at Moment’s Café with superb live music throughout the day from Birmingham acoustic favourites Faye Bagley and Zara Sykes performing throughout the afternoon between 2:30-6:30pm on Saturday 28th May.

Along side this Amnesty will be screening their film ‘African Pride’ (59mins) which explores how South Africans are countering homophobic violence and hate crimes with township Pride events and protests.

There will also be a chance to see Birmingham-based photographer Nick Hynan’s exhibition ‘Gender Blending’ which is being shown in the Birmingham LGBT centre throughout May and June. The exhibition examines how recent generations have used drag and dressing up to challenge, subvert and entertain.

This event is free to attend and no advance booking is required. Contact for more details.

This event is part of the wider programme of Queer Arts at Birmingham Pride organised by Shout festival and Birmingham LGBT funded by Birmingham Pride. More details and the full Queer Arts programme will be announced at more information on Birmingham Pride 2016 and to access their full programme please visit

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