Rainbow Spirit


Next meeting: Friday 2nd December, 7pm – 9.30pm, Birmingham LGBT Centre

The spirit of friendship, sharing and support – this is what is shared by Rainbow Spirit, a creative activities group for gay men, away from the scene. The group is related to and based on the principles of the Edward Carpenter Community, which puts an emphasis on creativity and personal growth.

Rainbow Spirit is a community of men attracted to men who meet to develop personal empowerment, friendship and support. We aim to do this by exploring our sexuality, deriving strength and support from each other in the face of continued homophobia. We embrace mind, body, and spirit through a diversity of activities, discussions, and sharing of our different experiences.
For more details call David on 07853 337 976 or e-mail Jon on jonghomer@hotmail.com


Rainbow Spirit is an Ageing Better Networklogo-rainbow_cropped_small

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